Growth Hacking The Fairy Job M.U.VA.

Matthew Bishop
2 min readMar 1, 2022


Growth Hacking

What is growth hacking and how can we use it? Growth hacking in simplest terms is an umbrella term for strategies strictly focused on growth. Many people who use growth hacking are known as a “growth hacker”. Growth hackers who uses creative, low-cost strategies to help businesses acquire and retain customers. Growth hackers are very analytical and curious always looking for new ways to grow their business. A couple of experiments that we can use growth hacking for The Fairy Job M.U.V.A would be to connect with the local community colleges or starting a monthly blog where you can give resume tips.

Community Colleges

One experiment to help with growth hacking could be to get in touch with the local community colleges and offer some sort of resume and linked in revival program or seminar. This could consist of at first offering a discounted session or maybe even one free session after the purchase of one session. By getting connected with one of the community colleges allows for an endless market of customers as well as works as a great channel for word of mouth. If the community college students are happy with the service provided they will mention it to their friends and future colleges, who both could be looking for a bit of revival in their resume or inked in.

Monthly Blog/Podcast

A monthly blog or podcast with a tip or topic of discussion on little key points that make a resume or linked in profile top notch. By giving small free details without giving away too much may make viewers interested in purchasing the full service. By giving them a little snippet of material showcasing the knowledge and capabilities of The Fairy Job allows for viewers to get a little taste of the service without having to pay but also allows The Fairy Job to keep its more important information confidential enticing the viewer to purchase the full service. This is a great way to get people outside of the local community colleges and can reach a larger number of people much easier than having to meet them in person.

